
Mempool Size (Bytes)

The aggregate size in bytes of transactions waiting to be confirmed.

Total Circulating Bitcoin
Market Price (USD)
Market Capitalization (USD)
Exchange Trade Volume (USD)
Blockchain Size (MB)
Average Block Size (MB)
Average Transactions Per Block
Average Payments Per Block
Total Number of Transactions
Median Confirmation Time
Average Confirmation Time
Total Hash Rate (TH/s)
Network Difficulty
Miners Revenue (USD)
Total Transaction Fees (BTC)
Total Transaction Fees (USD)
Fees Per Transaction (USD)
Cost % of Transaction Volume
Cost Per Transaction
Unique Addresses Used
Confirmed Transactions Per Day
Confirmed Payments Per Day
Transaction Rate Per Second
Output Value Per Day
Mempool Transaction Count
Mempool Size Growth
Mempool Size (Bytes)
Unspent Transaction Outputs
Transactions Excluding Popular Addresses
Estimated Transaction Value (BTC)
Estimated Transaction Value (USD)
Market Value to Realised Value
Network Value to Transactions
Network Value to Transactions Signal
Market Price (USD)
Total Circulating Bitcoin
Market Price (USD)
Market Capitalization (USD)
Exchange Trade Volume (USD)
Blockchain Size (MB)
Average Block Size (MB)
Average Transactions Per Block
Average Payments Per Block
Total Number of Transactions
Median Confirmation Time
Average Confirmation Time
Total Hash Rate (TH/s)
Network Difficulty
Miners Revenue (USD)
Total Transaction Fees (BTC)
Total Transaction Fees (USD)
Fees Per Transaction (USD)
Cost % of Transaction Volume
Cost Per Transaction
Unique Addresses Used
Confirmed Transactions Per Day
Confirmed Payments Per Day
Transaction Rate Per Second
Output Value Per Day
Mempool Transaction Count
Mempool Size Growth
Mempool Size (Bytes)
Unspent Transaction Outputs
Transactions Excluding Popular Addresses
Estimated Transaction Value (BTC)
Estimated Transaction Value (USD)
Market Value to Realised Value
Network Value to Transactions
Network Value to Transactions Signal
Mempool Size (Bytes)


The mempool is where all the valid transactions wait to be confirmed by the Bitcoin network. A high mempool size indicates more network traffic which will result in longer average confirmation time and higher priority fees. The mempool size is a good metric to estimate how long the congestion will last whereas the {mempoolcount} chart tells us how many transactions are causing the congestion.


In order to be confirmed, a transaction from the mempool needs to be included in a block. The size of a block cannot exceed 4 million weight units (1 million vbytes) , and each transaction has its own weight depending on the type of transaction, the UTXOs it spends (inputs) and the addresses it sends to (outputs).


Each Bitcoin node builds its own version of the mempool by connecting to the Bitcoin network. The mempool content is aggregated from a few instances of up to date Bitcoin nodes maintained by the engineering team; this way, we gather as much information as possible to provide accurate mempool metrics.


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