Build bitcoin apps on top of our APIs for free.
API Terms of Service

Exchange APIs

Leverage the Websocket API to receive market data and to interact with the trading system in real time. Every message comes in JSON format and trading messages use the FIX standard for naming fields, and message types.

Rest Api

Explore the REST API documentation for detailed examples of the various functionality offered, such as receiving real-time market data, requesting balance information, and performing trades. Pay
Partner API

The Pay Partner API centres around three main features, Authentication, Eligibility and Quotes. An additional section on Rate Limits will help maintain a stable integration.

Blockchain Data API

Query JSON data for blocks and transactions. Nearly all Blockchain Explorer data is available in this JSON format.

Simple Query API

Simple plain text API for querying blockchain data like hashrate, difficulty, block height and more.


Low-latency streaming socket channel providing data on new blocks and transactions. Subscribe for notifications on blocks, transactions, or addresses, and receive JSON objects describing a transaction block when an event occurs.

Market Data
Exchange Rates

Currency data from the major bitcoin exchanges.

Charts and Statistics

JSON feed containing the data from the charts and stats pages
